Raspberry Almond Buttermilk Cake
Raspberry Almond Buttermilk Cake might be just the dessert you are searching for. This recipe serves 1 and costs $4.08 per serving. One portion of this dish contains about 33g of protein, 71g of fat, and a total of 1213 calories. Head to the store and pick up egg, butter, almond extract, and a few other things to make it today. 2 people have made this recipe and would make it again. It is a good option if you're following a lacto ovo vegetarian diet. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 45 minutes. It is brought to you by Foodista. With a spoonacular score of 71%, this dish is good. If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Raspberry Buttermilk Cake, Raspberry Buttermilk Cake, and Buttermilk Peach-Almond Cake.
You need the ingredients below to cook it
pastry flour
whole wheat pastry flour
120 grams
baking powder
baking powder
0.5 teaspoons
baking soda
baking soda
0.5 teaspoons
0.25 teaspoons
butter, softened
0.5 sticks
cup sugar+ 2 more
0.667 Tbsps
vanilla extract
vanilla extract
0.5 teaspoons
almond extract
almond extract
0.5 teaspoons
egg, beaten
1 item
120 milliliters
frozen/fresh raspberries
frozen/fresh raspberries
120 grams
blanched almond slivers
blanched almond slivers
27 grams
adapted from smitten kitchen
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen
1 serving
adapted from smitten kitchen
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen
1 serving
Let's follow the instructions for cooking it