My Sister's Soup: Creamy Curried Squash and Cauliflower Soup
My Sister's Soup: Creamy Curried Squash and Cauliflower Soup is a gluten free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and primal hor d'oeuvre. One serving contains 176 calories, 4g of protein, and 6g of fat. For $1.59 per serving, this recipe covers 20% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 6. 2 people have made this recipe and would make it again. If you have garlic, delicata squash, butter, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. It is brought to you by Foodista. Autumn will be even more special with this recipe. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 45 minutes. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 59%, which is pretty good. Similar recipes include My Sister's Soup: Creamy Curried Squash and Cauliflower Soup, Creamy Curried Squash And Cauliflower Soup, and Creamy Curried Squash And Cauliflower Soup.
You need the ingredients below to cook it
butternut squash
butternut squash
1 medium
delicata squash
delicata squash
1 small
cauliflower, cut into florets
1 head
vegetable stock
vegetable stock (enough to cover the vegetables once in the stock pot)
705 milliliters
yellow onion, diced
1 large
fresh garlic, minced
3 cloves
curry powder
curry powder
1.5 teaspoons
3 Tbsps
dashes of cayenne pepper
or 2 dashes of cayenne pepper
1 item
salt and pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
6 servings
Let's follow the instructions for cooking it